The crew


I grew up in a small village in Quebec where everyone knew each other. I always dreamed big, among people who dreamed small. Unable to be satisfied with a routine life, at a very young age, I sought to develop all my potential in order to realize my dreams. My first project was to buy a new house at the age of 18. I worked hard to achieve this, but quickly became disenchanted with this American dream.

That's when I realized that all the things I owned required me to work like crazy to be able to afford all those luxuries. After 15 years of working in the printing industry and, in the process, trying to integrate into the system, I made the decision in 2013, at the age of 33, to sell everything and leave a lifestyle that didn't suit me.

To think about my future, I decided to cross Canada by bike from east to west. When I arrived in Vancouver, I realized that I wanted to travel and see the world.


From a young age, a passion for exploration was awakened by travel and growing up in several places in Quebec and Ontario. However, for more than 10 years, I immersed myself in the metro-work-sleep routine to achieve the happiness that everyone talks about. I put my long-term travel plans aside to dedicate myself to the pursuit of a successful life as society describes it: a stable job, a nice house, a family and children. At the age of 28, I achieved all of these socially valued goals; a position as a human resources supervisor in the federal government, 2 beautiful healthy children, a new house and even a dog to complete the family portrait.

In this always busy life, I still took the time to take short trips, essential for my mental health. They were a breath of fresh air, refocused me and recharged me with energy. In 2016, I took a backpacking trip to Thailand. This adventure made me reborn, opening my eyes to my passion for travel and my desire to explore it full time.

Back in Quebec, the travel blues set in and reality hit me hard: I could no longer continue on this path now that I knew my dream! I transformed the negative energy of the travel blues into unwavering motivation to make it happen.

For three years, I had to make difficult choices and considerable sacrifices to get closer to my dream. I had to separate, putting aside the possibility of having a family. I gave up living in the new house I had built a few months earlier. I moved to a small apartment and canceled the rental of my new car to take the bus every day, in order to save money for the purchase of a sailboat that would allow me to go on adventures. All these challenges and sacrifices were the price I had to pay to realize my dream and finally find the happiness I was looking for.

  • Amy

    At the start of this adventure, I was only nine years old and I couldn't believe that my mother was embarking on this incredible adventure. However, given the trust I placed in her, I joined her. Like them, I had never been sailing before, except for a two-week summer camp before we left. I lived aboard the boat full-time for the first three years, which led me to go to school on the boat with Mom. At the age of thirteen, I made the decision to return to live on earth, with my father. Now I'm in high school and my best friend lives right next door to me. However, I still spend my summers on the boat and we continue to explore the world together during my vacations from school. To date, I have explored eighteen countries. My two Favorites are Aruba and the Bahamas. As for my interests, I like to write, play the piano and practice freediving.

  • Loik

    As the youngest member of the crew, I have the chance to grow up exploring the world around me. I swam alongside rays, turtles and even nurse sharks. My passion for fishing has grown and I am excellent at spotting lionfish. I learned to swim in the turquoise waters of the Bahamas, and recently, I learned to scuba dive in San Andrés, Colombia. Although I am naturally shy, this lifestyle was a real opportunity for me to come out of my shell. Each new experience pushes me to surpass myself and gain self-confidence. Despite my young age, I have already had the opportunity to explore eight countries and I spend all my summers aboard the sailboat. During the school year, I live with dad and attend a traditional school. In my free time, I enjoy obstacle course, exploring both on land and water, and I created my YouTube channel. On my channel, I play video games like Minecraft to teach the things I know to others.

  • Windy

    The salty dog joined our adventure when she was only 3 months old, which means she knows nothing about life on earth! For her, living on the water, sailing, kayaking or dinghy riding is normal. We adopted her in St-Augustine in the United States during our descent from the Intracoastal. She was saved by a police officer who arrested her owner and removed the 200 dogs he was holding in horrible conditions, a veritable dog factory. All the dogs were placed in shelters, but this policewoman decided to welcome 2 of them into her home, including Windy. Every day, Windy makes us laugh, and that's how the idea came to dedicate a special moment to her in the episodes, the moment of the salty dog. She's loving, hilarious, persistent, and incredibly intelligent, and we wouldn't trade her for anything.